Wild West Gun Shop

Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist – Tractor Beams

Tractor beams are the staple of alien movies. You simply cannot have a good alien movie without some sort of gravity-defying nonsense beam sucking up innocents. Well, it just so happens that tractor beams aren’t fantasy anymore, and if you are lucky, you might be able to slap one on your hovercraft in the next […]

Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist – Laser Injections

The laser injection isn’t so much a weapon as it is a cool new medical device. However, as with most useful things, they can be used for evil as well as good. Of course, the good people over at MIT who have been developing the laser injector don’t intend for people to use it as […]

Surprisingly Advanced Ancient Weaponry – 14th Century Missles

Just a couple hundreds of years ago, they didn’t have laser injectors, tractor beams, and shock-wave cannons. In history, you were lucky to get your hands on a crappy, single-shot rifle. But throughout most of human history, the ancient weaponry you usually found yourself with in battle was maybe a sword or a bow.

Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist – Shockwave Cannon

Up until now, if you wanted to flatten a building with a cannon, you would have to put something inside the cannon to shoot at the building. You know, things like iron balls or missiles or whatever. Well, as it turns out, the days of launching physical objects out of cannons is past us. Science […]

Insane Fighter Jets – Ohka, The Cherry Blossom

Normally when a country designs and builds a plane designed to do fighting in a war, they hope that the plane will not explode in a violent ball of fire. Well, as we have discussed before, Japan does not know what normal means. So they went ahead and built a plane designed to do exactly […]

Insane Fighter Jets – Propeller Fighter “ELBE”

If you thought the Japanese kamikaze airplane was insane, then you haven’t heard of the German ELBE propeller fighter. It’s not actually called a propeller fighter, we just made that up because its actual name is the Sonderkommando, and we have no idea what that means.

Improvised Weapons – The Drip Rifle

People have been improvising weapons for a long time. Even before guns, savages were tying rocks to sticks to bonk other savages with. Later on, they would invent tying a stick to itself in order to make a bow, and well, you get the picture. Thousands of years later it’s World War 2, and the […]

SheildSak – Taking Your Electronics Off The Grid

These days, everything is becoming more and more integrated with technology. Almost everyone, including shooters, carry a cell phone or tablet with them whever they go. As fun and nifty as these items may be, they do come with some concerns. Gun owners in particular may be the most sensitive to security and privacy concerns. […]

The Cold SWORD Sniper Weapon

The Cold SWORD (Sniper Weapon & Observer Reconnaissance Devices) is really a glimpse into the future of the fusion between technology and firearms. The devices uses both off-the-shelf commercial components and military off-the-shelf components. The system can be used to do all sorts of things, most of which we are to lazy to explain.

3 Reasons Why 3-D Printed Guns Suck

Recently, there has been a little insanity brewing over the fact that anyone who gets their hands on a 3-D printer can actually print their own guns. Well, we are here to calm that insanity, because as it turns out, plastic 3-D printed guns suck in a variety of ways.

The Most Expensive Pistol in the World

The most expensive pistol in the world is actually a pair of steel-mounted saddle pistols owned by Sir George Washington himself. They are marked by Jacob Walster, were owned by President George Washington during America’s war of independence. The pistols were auctioned for a total of 2 million dollars.

Russia’s New Underwater Gun

Looking forward into the future of weapons, most countries these days are prioritizing on defending themselves electronically. It’s safe to say underwater warfare has been bumped a few spots down on the list of possible battles. Regardless, Russia has continued to develop its aquatic arsenal, and yesterday unveiled what it says is the first “amphibian” […]

Prohibited Weapons in Canada Series #1: Tommy Guns

Could prohibition era gangsters take over Canada? The simple answer is no. As everyone knows, the secret weapon of prohibition era gangsters was the Thompson Sub-machine Gun, or “Tommy Gun” as it is known and popularized in various media. Originally intended by its creator, John T. Thompson, as a military technology for “sweeping” trenches, The […]

Is it Legal to Own a Gatling Gun?

It is 1861. A man named Dr. Richard J. Gatling is inventing a complex engine of ballistic destruction ironically, Gatling claimed, to reduce the size of armies and therefore reduce the deaths in combat and to show how futile war was. And so, during the civil war and many times from then on, people actually […]

Prohibited Weapons in Canada Series: Automatic Shotguns

Sure, they are an extremely cool pickup for novelty’s sake when you are playing an FPS videogame. However, you cannot have one in real- life. In fact, not even the military, for whom they were designed, really uses them. That is because they are really better suited to knocking down drywall or demolishing concrete than […]

World’s Longest Successful Rifle Shot

In November of 2009 a British sniper named Craig Harrison successfully landed a kill shot from 2,479 metres away in Afghanistan. That’s right, a mile and a half. From this distance, here is what a man would look like in the targeting reticle of a Schmidt & Bender 5-25×56 telescopic sight like the one used […]

How to Properly Store Your Firearms and Keep Others Safe

Firearms are, expensive, fun, and potentially dangerous. Properly storing your firearms will protect your weapon from the elements. Proper storage will also protect people from abusing firearm. We’ve all heard horror stories of children having accidents. Snooping for Christmas presents is always fun! Except when a child finds what they think is a cool toy. […]

Learn to Shoot: Tips to Improve Your Shooting

No matter what the skill level, we can all improve on our current position and become better shooters. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie, gun experts agree on several easy ways to improve your skill level, get the results you desire, and not break the bank. These tips are applicable for almost any […]

Most Beloved Movie Weapons of All Time

For a movie to be fun, it needs two elements roguish heroes and fear-inspiring villains, but for action movies to take it to the next level and claim a spot in viewers’ hearts we expect memorable weaponry. Sure, lots of movies have deadly knives, jagged blades or red beam lasers, but these weapons are a […]

Top 3 Weapons Ahead of Their Time in History

When picturing warfare of time’s long passed, it’s easy to imagine people using crude and unsophisticated weaponry. But, looking back at various era’s, it’s plain to see that some weapons were more complicated than we imagined and advanced for the times they were in. Here are the top 3weapons ahead of their time in history: […]

Top 5 Cruelest Ancient Weapons

Long before missiles and James Bond gadgets, our ancestors had to be truly creative to defend their homes and lives. On their quest for protection our ancestors showed quite a knack for creating cruel and inventive ways to kill. Many of our modern weapons are merely a more sophisticated variation of these originals. Without further […]

Buying Your First Gun

Let’s just be flat-out here—in today’s conservative world, it’s not every day that you get to buy your first gun. Where do you go? How much will it cost you? Where did guns even come from? Set aside your fears and worries—here are a few must-knows about buying your first gun. Guns have been considered […]

R.I.P. Ammo

If you’re a gun enthusiast you may have already heard about the revolutionary R.I.P ammo by G2R Ammo. However, I have noticed that not everyone knows about this ammo, so let’s break it down and you can decided for yourself if it’s worth the money. G2R’s R.I.P ammo stands for Radically Invasive Projectile, and of […]

New Handguns to be Released in 2015

If you are a lover of guns, which we are assuming you are if your reading this, then you may be wondering what new guns are due to be released in 2015. The New Year is just around the corner and with it brings new guns, ammo, and gun gear. Here is a brief overview […]

Teaching Children and Teens About Guns.

If you’re an avid gun collector, there’s a good chance your son or daughter has taken notice.  Maybe they’ve even started asking about shooting themselves.  This is great, because it means that now is the time to start teaching them about something that you love.  It’s a wonderful feeling, when you can relate to your […]

Mr.”God’s Right Arm”

Everybody – and all of you, gun-lovers, in particular – knows that “God made men but Sam Colt made them equal”. It’s quite a praise to be named under the same breath with the Creator himself but Colt deserves every ounce of this praise and more. A 19th-century man, he managed to live a truly […]

Model: Savage Arms Model 25 Lightweight Varminter .204 Ruger

Hunting for those career men and women can be hard and rough when the days get long and the game is faster than your bullet.  As the frustration rises, it can be hard to get enough inspiration to even lug along the heavy gun.  For when the weight gets too much to take and you […]